Since this is the first iteration, we will use the residual vector r as our initial search direction p; the method of selecting p will change in further iterations.
If not (that is, further iterations of the loop are to be performed), a jump is made to a specified store address (presumably the beginning of the loop).
The first version was released in 2006, with further iterations released through 2008.
In a further iteration, some scholars argue that affect is necessary to enable more rational modes of cognition (e.g., Damasio 1994).
Call of Duty: Black Ops II was developed using a further iteration of the IW engine.
Repeating the procedure causes the instrument to show 4x the angle of interest with further iterations increase it to 6x, 8x, and so on.
O'Leary admists that "the policy is a work in progress - I would not be surprised to see us come back with a further iteration this fall."
Since the in-state starts as the empty set, it can only grow in further iterations.
The ECSS has now taken the lead for further iterations of the SMP2 standard.
Any further iterations of Halo, Microsoft's hit game, will be available only for Xbox 360.