Thorson didn't even bother writing down notes for further follow-up.
Mr. Sobrino said he did not know if there was any further follow-up by school officials; his records showed none.
Because these therapies are relatively recent, further follow-up is required to determine long-term effects.
A further follow-up in 1972 collected more detailed diagnostic information.
"Our results suggest a need for further follow-up of affected children to evaluate the possible long-term impact on health, including renal function."
"We expect to have further follow-up and exchanges on the subject of the visit," he said, referring to the trip to Pyongyang by the Chinese official.
Mark also has 4 additional asteroids rediscovery/discoveries not yet named awaiting further follow-up and confirmation work.
A further follow-up of the study members is being planned.
"In our view, it was sent to us for further follow-up," he said.
If the Pap test shows an ambiguous or minor abnormality, the doctor may repeat the test to determine whether further follow-up is needed.