I'm having no further dealings with those characters.
In addition, the most important part has to do some further dealing.
"With such a law I have no further dealings," Yohanan said, turning to resume his work.
Hanke ordered Niehoff not to have any further dealings with the clergy.
It didn't want to have any further dealings with the external universe.
As of last Friday, Fehr said, the clubs in question lost their rights to "further contractual dealings" with the free agents.
"It is absolutely imperative that you remain completely uninvolved in our further dealings with the mirror-universe rebels."
To call down the wrath of all Rom past and present, alive and dead, upon anyone who had any further dealings with him.
Retreating to their undersea cities deep in the ocean, they would thereafter have no further dealings with the outer world.
"We were told we're not supposed to have any further dealings with you," Harry added.