From King Gyanendra, increasingly isolated at home and abroad, came no suggestion of whether there would be further crackdowns or concessions.
The speech suggests that the Chinese authorities are planning a further crackdown in the region.
The was seen as a further crackdown on the media and the Muslim Brotherhood.
But she did not rule out a further crackdown if the leaders she described as "power grabbers" mounted another assault on her government.
In February 1934, the Dolfuss government began a further crackdown on known leftists.
And now the government is intending a further crackdown.
Continuing disturbances in Algiers and other cities met with a further military crackdown on June 30-July 2.
In response, propaganda minister Goebbels announced further crackdowns and launched a media campaign denouncing alleged homosexual activity within the church.
But the vendors, expecting further crackdowns, have held several protests in recent days.
Sidqi responded with further crackdowns, and many of the Communist reformers fled the cause.