For further corroboration, data from our own visitor logs for the last month shows that the iPhone OS accounts for two-thirds of our mobile traffic.
Al Qaeda demonstrated this on 9/11, and the bloody wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are only further corroboration.
Although O'Brian found the story hung together, the paper's syndicate, fearing a libel suit, refused to print the allegation without further corroboration.
"this is a further corroboration from views obtained this morning," he said.
As further corroboration, Crow introduces Clapton as "a real good friend of mine" in her 1999 performance in Central Park, later to be released as an album.
So far so good, but it was clear to Tanner that if he could get no further corroboration than this, the whole alibi was worthless.
"Is there any further corroboration?"
Bligh confronted the pair and accused them of complicity in the desertion plot, which they strenuously denied; without further corroboration Bligh could not act against them.
My knowledge was not a mere conjecture, it was rather a truth that needed no further corroboration.
Prospective (longitudinal) cohort studies between exposure and disease strongly aid in studying causal associations, though distinguishing true causality usually requires further corroboration from further experimental trials.