And this already fragile world was hit by a further calamity; a great excess of carbon dioxide, which choked animals and added greenhouse heating to an already near-lethal climate.
The ambu-lance driver asked sarcastically whether Neville wanted his home number in case of further calamities that evening.
There was no further calamity possible--at least so he thought.
But even without further calamity, the devastation will take weeks to unfold and years to repair.
A further calamity occurred after helpers hastily deposited the salvaged articles in the open space; where heavy rain caused further damage.
Assuming, he hedged, the economy starts growing and there are no further terrorist calamities.
A power boat attempted to tow the burning wreck out into the bay but the flyingboat sunk before there was any further calamity.
But it seems you've suffered some further calamity, and we should be sorry to add to your troubles, or disturb your lady, after the grievous day she's endured.
But sometimes her bad luck actually prevented anyone from experiencing further calamity.
They then wished Kao peaceful sleep and left him to sniff up the scented blue smoke of the joss-sticks that the Doctor had lit to protect him against further calamity.