The president declared that "further borrowing is required to meet existing commitments" and he needs to hike the debt limit by $1.2 trillion.
Foreign funding is small, estimated at about 10% of the total liabilities, and plans for further borrowings are moderate.
A budget deficit in one year must be covered by further borrowing, which increases the debt and adds to interest costs in future years.
We welcomed the high spending by Govt financed by further borrowing.
Even though experts warn that by year 2020 to 2030 further borrowing will not sustain the debt service.
No one would haul the Secretary of the Treasury into court for this, but he could do no further borrowing.
Komarek hopes that substantial further borrowing may not be necessary.
When the market improves, he said, tax revenues will rebound and further borrowing will become unnecessary.
America's Fed should raise interest rates to discourage further borrowing.
Trying to pay down debts by further borrowing is an exercise in futility.