The experience left him without enthusiam for further writing assignments from the Government.
Mr. Finkel has been under contract to the magazine as a contributing writer, but the editors have informed him that he will not receive further assignments.
Report to BuPers by air transportation for further assignment.
"When relieved, report to commander, Pacific Fleet, for further assignment."
The Trevayne detachment was recalled to the White House for further assignment.
This deed usually involves bringing back more victims, some of whom are devoured by the hags; the rest are used on further evil assignments.
He received only one substantial commission - to do a series on Dallas - which resulted in an exceptional body of work but no further assignments.
Sometimes the interim manager will be re-engaged on a follow-on or further assignment, starting the 'lifecycle' again.
They dropped to sixth at Canadian Nationals, and received no further assignments for that season.
Despite the death of its namesake, the OT continued to exist as an engineering organization and drew multiple further assignments.