This seemed the most fantastic notion of all, but was it much less fantastic than the existence of the Wizard in the first place?
That was almost as fantastic a notion as the other, but more satisfying despite the brief sensation of nerves in his stomach.
The brain is at work without its required food, and the most fantastic notions fill the mind.
Evil as a machine, a fantastic notion, worthy of a painting by Bosch.
There are people, you understand, who find a certain stability in convincing themselves they are right about even the most fantastic notions.
It's a fantastic notion, but it would explain everything.
Perhaps it is the ultimately fantastic notion of an inanimate object making music.
I was caught up once more by the fantastic notion that one of these people was a dangerous and cold-blooded murderer.
And a fantastic notion came to me - fantasy it was, of course, yet built I know around a nucleus of strange truth.
It was a fantastic notion, but the whole affair was becoming more and more outrageous.