True to form, for many people saw the elephant as a fantastic beast.
A fantastic beast leapt toward her, its fang-filled jaws opened wide.
Beneath it, one of her fantastic beasts, a scorpion with a Medusa's head.
It is surrounded in the lower two quadrants by interlaced fantastic beasts.
His doublet was black with yellow and green embroidery worked into the shapes of fantastic beasts.
He had to pass a burned-out tram car, its twisted, rusting frame like the skeleton of some fantastic beast.
Fantastic Beasts also has handwritten marginal commentary by both Harry and Ron.
A funeral procession, led by Dworkin, emerges from the storm front, accompanied by all sorts of various fantastic beasts.
The chief was elaborately decorated with an interlocking series of striking designs representing a variety of fantastic beasts.
Kunlun has a lively bestiary, with various more-or-less fantastic beasts and birds described as present in its environs.