MOO has a very basic set of control structures, with for-in-list being the only "fancy" feature.
Like the makers of any other consumer product, fax manufacturers are piling on more and fancier features to keep everyone buying.
You can buy one for less than the cost of a standard household vacuum - just don't expect a lot of fancy features.
Stores online, like those in the malls, say that customers are focused on saving money, choosing economy over fancy features.
Ce (may also be called "grass")-Goldfish without fancy anatomical features.
The question is, do customers really want such fancy features, and at prices that, including a monitor, start at nearly $3,000 and go twice as high?
These fancy features have quickly become available in inexpensive dryers, too.
All the fancy features in the world aren't going to make it a good device if it only lasts 2 hours...
He also felt that most developers wanted to start with a clean slate and did not want a codebase filled with fancy features.
You have to for all those fancy features those xda people like to have.