Yellow Trillium (Trillium luteum) and the fancifully named Toad Shade Trillium (Trillium sessile) share that trait.
My favorites are the refreshing napoleon of lemon curd and berries, and the fancifully named fire and ice, tropical fruit spiced with chili and cooled with orange-lemongrass granite.
This is the fancifully named Conectigon tool.
One of the more fancifully named batidos is called morir y sonando (dying and dreaming) and is made from the unlikely but delicious combination of orange juice, milk and sugar.
"You have sometimes fancifully named me an advocate for the dead."
Fancifully named for a species that wheels in the East End skies, this winery is Long Island's newest.
Mr. Hayman opened Little Tornadoes after he left Grybauskas Beatrice in New York, where he helped start another fancifully named interactive unit, Blue Dingo Digital.
All the actresses are fans of the fancifully named lipsticks and glosses made by Uni Cosmetics.
Heartland's fancifully named Full Moon Barley Wine ($6.50 a goblet) is a kind of winelike brew intended for sipping.
Khandesh was fancifully named by Akbar as Dandes after his son Daniyal.