Fortunately, each section of "The Trilogy" has its own fanciful title.
Regardless of their fanciful biblical titles, there was nothing remotely Christian or charitable about them.
Other fanciful titles were given to certain of the pieces by later publishers but have no authority and do not reflect any intention of the composer.
Amin was known to invent and adopt fanciful imperial titles for himself.
In the late 1990's executives at Internet startups dreamed up a raft of fanciful titles for themselves.
Its fanciful title was drawn from an old adage: "Who loves not wine, women and song remains a fool his whole life long."
He does not give them fanciful titles; the labels simply list the rare wood from which each piece was cut.
The rather fanciful title of Madre had a theatrical touch.
Her work is marked by fanciful titles such as "Poor Old Lady.
I also find it brass-necked that the whole thing is being sold to us under the fanciful title of a new social agenda.