It is suicidal to appease a fanatical enemy.
We will never rest again if we do not continue to be aggressive in the war against this fanatical enemy.
But even after this, none of the great powers were keen to take on such a brave and fanatical enemy on the land.
The designation is intended to suggest a decades-long test of wills against a fanatical enemy that will likely continue well after the United States reduces its forces in Iraq.
We simply cannot afford to fight each other when we are under such overwhelming and deadly attack by such endless hordes led by such a fanatical and devilish enemy as the Marxist, Zionist Jew.
Brown was born in Torrington, but made his reputation as a fanatical enemy of slavery in other places.
The chief danger to the republic, however, emanates not from the extremes - a fanatical foreign enemy combined with a zealous administration - but from the center, from the moderate wing of the opposition party and its corporate sponsors.
But sweeping retaliation will only create new fanatical enemies and expand the horror.
In the unholy trinity of class, culture and colour, it is the Muslim community that suffers most - being at the bottom of the economic heap, widely perceived as the fanatical enemy within, and, of course, not white.
Fighting against a fanatical enemy entrenched in the hills, the 33d took Aringay, 7 March, Mount Calugong, 8 April, and Mount Mirador, 25 April.