Before today's race, Dutch fans serenaded her with a chorus of "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean."
The fans in Philadelphia serenaded Bonds the entire weekend.
At the end, the HSV players sat on the damp grass in front of one rabid section while fans serenaded them.
The fans slowly serenaded him with "Darryl, Darryl," a classy gesture.
When Rodriguez cleanly fielded an easy foul ball by the next batter, Vladimir Guerrero, the fans serenaded Rodriguez with mock cheers.
On Knoblauch's second time at bat, the fans did not serenade him.
He heard a thunderous mixture of boos and sarcastic cheers as the fans serenaded the usually precise pitcher who was very imprecise.
The fans in the left-field bleachers serenaded Bonds with chants of "Bonds on Roids!"
In the waning seconds, fans serenaded Coach Al Skinner with chants of "Coach of the Year!"
The fans serenaded him with chants of "Pe-dro!