The fans will rotate 90 degrees on the turret from their stowed positions just in front of and behind the cab to their in-flight positions on both sides of it.
The fan on the little wall shelf rotated around and blew her collar, making it flap around her neck.
Oak-and-brass fans hung from the ceiling through the rafters and rotated slowly and silently, cooling the domino players and the bartender.
Wooden fans rotate lazily from the ceiling.
A huge fan rotates at the base of the head, with the words "dreaming" written over the fan blades.
Axial fans may rotate at speeds of up to around 6,000 rpm; fans may be controlled by sensors and circuits that reduce fan speed when temperature is not high, leading to quieter operation, longer life, and lower power consumption than fixed-speed fans.
The overhead fan, powered by a ser-vant in the basement who patiently and endlessly turned the crank at the far end of the pulleys and shafts, rotated almost soundlessly.
Three large fans rotated from the ceiling with a 'shoop, shoop,' background noise as well as the cricket chirp of their bearings.
The fan on the ceiling above rotated with a soft whirring noise-the only sound.
I was sitting in Dishoom in St Martin's Lane, London, sipping an icy pomegranate gola, while a fan rotated on the ceiling.