The fans then poured onto the court to celebrate Boston's apparent victory.
The police did not bother tailgaters, but as fans poured into the stadium, there was security everywhere, looking for alcohol.
About 50 fans poured onto the pitch to join in with the players.
Brand, his fists clenched, was pulled away by players from both teams as fans and police officers poured onto the field.
As the team walked to the locker room, a fan poured a drink onto Hill.
As expected, the fans poured in and cleaned out the shelves, bringing in a month's worth of business in four days.
But this emotion that fans poured on them made me wonder where Christianity was heading".
Provide a dominating club, they argue, and fans will pour through the turnstiles.
The fans poured into the streets to celebrate their team's victory in the finals.
Just then, fans poured onto the field.