Soon his fans started to search for information, followed him to all the events he attended, taking thousands of photos and posted on the internet.
Around the city, fans posted signs saying, "Welcome Home."
A fan in the crowd filmed him playing it live and posted it on YouTube.
One fan recorded the song and posted it online, providing listeners with the first taste of the band's new material.
Within hours fans posted the video onto YouTube, where it received a substantial number of hits.
Lead singer Stephen Christian kept fans posted on progress in the studio through the band's online forums.
Bent caused controversy when a fan posted a picture and claimed the striker was out shopping while his teammates were losing 2-0 to Liverpool.
A fan posted a review on his blog that it was a "Great show!
At iTunes, Apple's digital music store, fans have posted more than 898,000 individual playlists.
That's because the fans are constantly taking pictures with their cellphones and posting them to the Internet in real time.