Britain's sprint sensation acknowledges the cheers of the 60,000 fans gathered in the Olympic Stadium to witness his magic moment in Barcelona.
Thousands of fans gathered as his ashes were scattered into the Pacific Ocean at Mākua Beach on July 12, 1997.
With fans gathered around him, Detar laid on the ground bleeding while the rest of the band finished the song.
When England won the Rugby World Cup in 2003 thousands of fans gathered in the square.
Before the show, thousands of fans gathered in bleachers to gawk and cheer as television stars glided over the sun-drenched red carpet leading into the Shrine.
A crowd of 8,000 celebrating fans gathered at team headquarters to greet the team on their return from New Orleans.
For many of the 24,000 fans gathered here for a carnival of country music, autographs and barbecue, that was enough.
Once they arrived at the racetrack, Tony parked and led her toward the crowd of racing fans gathered by the rail.
Rotisserie baseball got its name from the Manhattan restaurant a group of fans gathered in one day in the late 1970's to formalize a new concept.
The marvel of it, though, had already engulfed those of the 16,591 fans still gathered in the damp and delirious midnight.