In this case, the fan behaviour was directed at the Indian team in disappointment at their lacklustre performance.
"You need a massive education program starting at the beginning of the season, and the athletes themselves have to talk about what's appropriate fan behavior," he said.
He said the league would redefine acceptable fan behavior and would discuss curtailing beer sales.
Boorish fan behavior has been inescapable for many years.
Riley wrote, "The Boston Mystique encourages the lowest common denominator of fan behavior."
It has since fuelled persistent and unsustainable assertions about drunken fan behaviour.
Unruly fan behavior, some of it going beyond merely crude to plainly criminal, is a constant worry at sporting events everywhere.
If this is the standard for fan behavior, competitive sports may be in real danger.
Pat Calabria, the team's vice president for communications, said the rules were "a direct response to complaints about fan behavior."
Mr. Caione added that the league plans to hold a symposium with athletic directors, coaches, parents and team captains to discuss fan behavior.