This is the first time in ages that Mr. Roth, famously private and publicity-averse, has allowed his likeness to appear on one of his books.
Watterson quit while he was ahead in 1995, and is famously private, so fans are naturally excited to gnaw at the strip's bone.
For the famously private Gallos, putting Gina front and center is a major departure.
Over the last 18 months or so Desmond has now enjoyed a similarly thorough briefing in the ways of this famously private club.
They are famously private and will not talk about their personal lives.
The post office is a public spot in a famously private town.
Her style evoked her mother: the simple hair and dress, the sense of allowing the television audience access to her famously private life.
The famously private actor surprised the country in November 2009 when he went public with his two-year romance with Ko So-young.
Famously private and reclusive, Stout has granted few interviews.
The puckish Cunningham is famously private and his ascetic lifestyle is often intriguingly at odds with the flourish of his subject matter.