NEVER eat at a place called Mom's, Nelson Algren famously advised, but MA'S FOOD in Little Italy slides by on a technicality.
Locke famously advised parents to keep their children away from servants, as they would only tell children frightening stories that would foster a fear of the dark.
Mr. Wilson famously advised Sam Phillips of Sun Records, also in Memphis, to sell Elvis Presley's contract to RCA for $35,000, a move Mr. Phillips estimates cost him $100 million.
E. M. Forster famously advised his readers, "Only connect."
I mention Horace Greeley, of course, because while he famously advised others to go west, he did the savvy thing and bolted north, to Chappaqua.
The lyric "Go West young man" is a reference to a famous phrase by Horace Greeley, who, in a July 13, 1865 editorial, famously advised: "Go West, young man, go West and grow up with the country."
Greeley supported liberal policies towards settlers; in a July 13, 1865 editorial, he famously advised "Go West, young man, go West and grow up with the country."
Machiavelli famously advised his prince that it was better to be feared than loved.
As I've noted before, he was one of the most clear-eyed opponents of the Vietnam War, famously advising young protesters to wash the flag, not burn it.