The Empress arranged to visit Liverpool and see the famous steeplechase, this provided Kinsky with his first opportunity to witness the event.
In 1826, on Clinker, he won a famous steeplechase against Captain Douglas, on Radical, a horse owned by Lord Kennedy.
It was intended to be the French equivalent of the Grand National, a famous steeplechase in England.
Three jockeys had turned down Foinavon prior to the race (his price the day before the National was 500/1), but Buckingham took up the opportunity to ride in the famous steeplechase.
Since I picked the winners of that famous steeplechase two years in a row, I figure this establishes my tipster credentials for all the thoroughbreds running at the Broadway sweepstakes.
The 'official' first running of the world's most famous steeplechase, the Grand National, held annually at Aintree in England, took place in 1839.
During his 50 years of commentating the world's most famous steeplechase, the Grand National, O'Sullevan called home numerous historic victories.
Champion fought cancer to win the world's most famous steeplechase at Aintree on his injury-plagued mount in 1981, and has been a tireless fundraiser ever since.
It's also home of a famous steeplechase, the Velká pardubická.