The Six-Trak's more famous sibling is the Prophet 5, widely used in much of the 1970s progressive rock.
These days, the talented star is frequently photographed alongside her more famous siblings.
Her fans are especially passionate about her musical superiority to her more famous sibling.
Half the fun of the sales is in the connection between the unproven yearlings and famous siblings.
If money's no object, try its more famous sibling, the wonderfully old-fashioned Caruso (081 807 3156) next door.
But having a famous sibling is no guarantee.
It has a darker appearance than its more famous sibling, Computer Modern.
The famous siblings would later record a song entitled "2300 Jackson Street" in the 1990s.
He could remember the sign outside bore the likeness of the famous cough-drop siblings.
'Say, you don't happen to have any famous siblings or other relatives?'