The autonomous Hungarian government intended to create a royal palace to match any famous European royal residence (especially their old rival, Vienna's Hofburg).
The Boat House in Laugharne is, perhaps, Thomas' most famous residence and is open to the public most days.
Even Near Sawrey itself has a beguiling, well-concocted charm that belies the overwhelming hordes who come to shuffle through its most famous residence.
The initial questions are easy, showing famous residences, such as the White House, or Buckingham Palace, with Dame Edna asking the question "Who lives here?"
The first family's residential cabin was known as the "Brown House" in contrast to their more famous residence, the White House.
Jeremiah Goodman (class of 1939), artist, known simply as "Jeremiah", painter of interior still lifes of famous residences.
Sophia later married several more times and Glen Eden became the most famous residence in the area.
The imperial crown above the crest and the imperial robe signifies Anagni was a famous and important residence of the Roman Emperors.
Travel the World: White House The White House is perhaps the most famous residence in the world.
Joe, meanwhile, finds himself vexed by a half-remembered image, something about moving curtains and "a famous residence."