Li Li is shocked to learn that the man he attempted to rob and kill is actually the famous philanthropist.
He's quite a famous philanthropist, you know.
Another brother, Anson (1874-1958), later a famous philanthropist, was named after his father and did not receive an "extra" name like his siblings.
Williams was a famous local philanthropist, art lover and Savannah-saviour, who may or may not have shot dead his homosexual lover.
They are shocked to recognise him as the famous philanthropist and apologise to him.
He was a famous philanthropist during the British Malaya era.
Hanging fatuously on the outskirts of the group was no less a person than the famous philanthropist, Jabez Platt.
She hadn't thought the famous philanthropist had a reputation as a practical joker, but one never knew.
They recognise him as the famous philanthropist and apologise to him and release him immediately.
She was quite the famous philanthropist, known for receiving petitions from needy clerics and charity representatives wherever she happened to be in residence.