Will Rogers (Keith Carradine) is introduced at lunch, and Parker delivers one of her most famous one-liners: "I never liked a man I didn't meet."
In the Netherlands, his most famous one-liner is "Ieder nadeel heb z'n voordeel" ("Every disadvantage has its advantage") and his way of expressing himself has been dubbed "Cruijffiaans."
He retired from The Times in 1988, but signed a contract to continue to write the Critic's Choice column and his famous one-liners for the movie listings.
Burton compares these to the famous one-liners in Arnold Schwarzenegger's film career, such as "I'll be back."
It's easy to imagine her declining King Edward VII's offer to play bridge with the famous one-liner: "I am afraid I can't tell a king from a knave."
A fan of broadcaster Harry Caray, Lowrance would also use his famous one-liners such as "holy cow".
So it's not surprising that his immediate reaction when spotting one of the most famous one-liners in the history of painting was to riff on it.
Saint Peter mentions that he heard Dangerfield got no respect in life, which prompts Dangerfield to spew an entire string of his famous one-liners.
He retired from full-time work in 1988 but continued to write the Critic's Choice column and his famous one-liners for the movie listings.
Search the internet for famous one-liners from legendary boxer Muhammad Ali and you won't have to look very far.