His hand, resting on a globe, is obscured by the gown: a literal presentation of Smith's famous metaphor of the invisible hand.
The "Gaozi" chapter begins with a famous metaphor about a type of willow tree (qiliu (杞柳).
The ship of state is a famous and oft-cited metaphor put forth by Plato in book VI of the Republic.
The first chapter also introduces Du Bois' famous metaphor of the veil.
Zhuangzi's Peng bird became a famous literary metaphor.
What Heraclitus emphasized in his famous metaphor - the singularity of all events - certainly used to be true of music.
The most famous metaphor is the "desktop metaphor" used in Windows and the Macintosh.
Thomas Jefferson's famous metaphor of a wall of separation between church and state has long been a part of the national psyche.
This also could be a reference to one of the world's most famous theatrical metaphors: "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players."
She even suggests that Smith used the famous metaphor as an ironic joke.