Antonin Artaud's famous manifesto calling for an art of moral shock therapy inspired this pretentious but not uninteresting show of videos, sculpture and photography.
In January 1966 a famous incendiary manifesto by Stanley Kauffmann set forth a bluntly damning and prejudicial way of criticizing works by homosexual writers.
He published his most famous manifesto Why am I an Atheist?
The intellectuals who made up the Vanderbilt Agrarians in the 30's promulgated their famous manifesto, "I'll Take My Stand," in defense of the South's rural traditions.
However, there were tensions within the organization, brought about by her famous manifesto, "Mother Right", that specifically called on the Weatherwomen to focus on their own cause other than anti-imperialism.
The famous "No" manifesto rejecting all costumes, stories and outer trappings in favour of raw and unpolished movement was perhaps the extreme of this wave of thinking.
The Judson choreographers, in keeping with Yvonne Rainer's famous manifesto (no to spectacle, no to virtuosity, no to style .)
She addressed her famous manifesto to the Weatherwomen published in 1974 in Ms. Magazine entitled "Mother Right: A New Feminist Theory."
True, they say, the Unabomber's famous manifesto (available all over the Internet) warned about the danger that "the human race would be at the mercy of the machines."
In 1907, a year before Loos issued his famous manifesto equating ornament and crime, Gill started building with the reductivist logic that became his signature.