Perhaps the most famous lawman to serve as Gleeson's constable was Deputy Welsey Wooten Cates.
Afterwards numerous famous lawmen from Dodge City gathered to calm the storm that ensued after the bloody fight.
The game is named after Wyatt Earp, a famous lawman, and is set in the American Old West.
Here you will find stories of such famous lawmen as Wyatt Earp and his friend "Doc" Holiday.
He and Earp talk about how Earp became a famous lawman.
Wyatt Hertz is by far the most famous lawman in the West.
Mather's career during this time seems to have been a mix of law-enforcement and alleged law-breaking, a pattern common to the famous lawmen of the Old West.
He worked with other famous lawmen such as Heck Thomas, Chris Madsen, and Bill Tilghman during that time.
In its day, the St. James was visited by many famous lawmen and notorious outlaws and was the scene of many murders.
He tried using his influence as a famous lawman - a U.S. marshal who had shot and killed a dozen armed offenders in the line of duty.