Sunday, the third day of the trip, was to be devoted partly to culture: visits to two famous stately homes and only one antiques show.
Some people say it is the most famous private home in the world.
Did Bobby Thomson take your signal on that famous home run?
The area of his house is known as Wheatland and many famous homes, mansions and history are home there.
George Washington's famous home and the site where the Iowa finally runs hard aground.
To learn more about the President's office, the many state rooms, and the grounds and history of America's most famous home, please click here.
Kansas City residents further celebrated the occasion by touring famous homes that she had designed locally.
The city offers tours of the most famous homes in the spring, summer, and fall.
The Knicks, for those fans who always ask, have a famous home but nothing to go inside it.
Now the entrepreneur is betting that many collectors will jump at the chance to own a piece of furniture from a famous home.