But his most famous guitar will apparently not be on the block.
Rumour states that Jonny Greenwood's famous guitar crunches in the chorus were supposedly an attempt to ruin a song he did not like.
His initials appear on famous guitars such as Eric Clapton's Brownie.
BB plays and sings, but there s more of the latter than his famous guitar.
The thing that concerns me, as I go about describing, for the Nth time, the world's most famous electric guitar, is that it's all been said before.
The song features George Harrison playing the Rickenbacker 360/12 guitar, offering the distinctive sound of the famous guitar to the world for the first time.
Because of this incident, King named his famous guitar Lucille.
On September 9, 2008, after a concert in Helsinki, his famous black guitar was stolen.
The opening theme song of the show features Prince playing his famous purple guitar with his famed symbol.
This famous guitar had all of the main features of the New Yorker but was a "cut away" model and had a slightly thinner neck.