The most famous frescos are however those dating back to about 1500 which cover large areas of the church's ceiling and upper walls.
The School of Athens is a famous fresco by the artist Raphael.
On the western wall of the nave is a famous fresco of the Dormition of the Virgin.
Its famous frescoes with one of the most notable ones depicting Adam and Eve date from the 14th century.
Halfway along the stone gallery, Morgan came to the now locked door of the little elevator leading to the famous frescoes, twenty metres directly above.
It inspired the famous frescoes in the Castello della Manta.
The most famous frescoes are in the Loggia of Cupid and Psyche on the ground floor.
Probably its most famous fresco is the monumental Siege of Constantinople on the south wall.
Giotto's most famous frescoes are in the Arena Chapel in Padua.
It is perhaps Raphael's most famous fresco.