Mr. Hurd's decision not to memorialize himself next to the famous founders is often cited by Hewlett-Packard and others as an example of his modesty.
In addition some genealogical information is provided concerning Samwise the founder of the family of Gardner, later famous and influential.
Look famous famous founders, pioneers Africa for east or west I think it'd be there today the muses do you know what that says?
In contrast, IV has a famous founder and a well-staffed Seattle-area headquarters.
Maier, a professor of American history at M.I.T., depicts all the famous founders that one would expect to find.
Maier also gives us founders, famous in their day, whom we have forgotten.
His son Walter Eucken became a famous founder of neoliberal thought in economics.
At the top of the theater there's located a restaurant named Osacar's after the famous founder of Carré.
Sandaki Mari Djata, who had no relation to the famous founder of the same name, proved an apt if not ruthless leader.
Named after its famous founder, the jeweler Harry Winston, the company is headquartered in New York.