West Runton's most famous fossil from that period is the "*West Runton elephant".
Spaelaeo-Palaeontologic Museum, including a famous fossil of an Ichthyosaur found in the area in 1976.
The famous fossils found near Hagerman, Idaho were originally thought to be a part of the genus Plesippus.
The famous fossil which showed the significance of this species was discovered by Jenny Clack in East Greenland, 1987.
Another of the museum's most famous fossils, Tyrannosaurus rex, also embodied some errors that have been corrected for the new display.
Walcott, an American, had found the most famous Canadian fossils and carted the entire booty back to Washington.
A famous fossil has one locked in battle with a Protoceratops.
Perhaps the most famous fossils are those of dinosaurs.
To do so, he travels the globe to visit the world's most famous fossil sites.
One famous fossil is that of a mother and baby that died in childbirth (ichthyosaurs were viviparous).