Sir Reuben Levy, a famous financier, has disappeared from his own bedroom, and there has been a flurry of trading in some Peruvian oil shares.
The famous financier, extremely shy of the press, had Mr. Reich's handwriting analyzed before agreeing to be interviewed.
We've got our bright and shining mark, our millionaire - P.J. Madden, one of the most famous financiers in America.
The disappearance of the famous financier took on a totally different aspect in the light of the revelation of the financial affairs of the bank.
Denis Gorbunenko (born December 9, 1973, Donetsk) is a famous Ukrainian financier, banker, politician.
"You mean the famous financier who retired a few years ago?"
It was the smaller remaining portion of the splendid mansion and grounds built for the famous financier, Beaujon, by the architect Girardin in the eighteenth century.
Enter Mr. Zell, a financier famous for buying distressed properties at bargain-basement prices and reaping fat rewards from their turnarounds.
We expect you'll get that contract you wanted and you may even rub elbows with famous financiers for your next deal.
He was turfed upstairs to West Ward 2 with the handwashers and the famous financier who scratched his rump incessantly.