It is noted for its famous dissent, written by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., rather than its majority opinion.
Besides his famous dissent in Morton, he also served on the Board of Directors of the Sierra Club from 1960 to 1962 and wrote prolifically on his love of the outdoors.
Years later, after becoming a justice on the Supreme Court, Brandeis discussed the right to privacy in his famous dissent in: Olmstead v. United States.
The case is also significant as one of Justice L'Heureux-Dube's most famous dissents where she proposes an evolving model of the "family".
In his famous dissent to Adamson, he wrote:
In one of Baird's most famous dissents, he argued that Roy Criner, convicted of sexual assault in 1990, should be granted a new trial.
He cites the famous dissent in 1928 by Justice Louis D. Brandeis in Olmstead v. United States.
His more than 2,000 opinions and famous dissents in favor of individual liberties are quoted almost as reverently as the Constitution.
In one of his most famous dissents, Chief Justice Laskin held that the centre was a public place as the public had free access to the place.
A second, shorter but more famous dissent was written by Associate Justice Harry Blackmun, who had (along with Associate Justice Thurgood Marshall) joined Brennan's dissent.