The Japanese say such a position is unfair to countries that want to protect small, family-run farms.
The declaration also highlights the need for promoting family-run farms, food security, health, education, human rights and environmental protection.
Most cocoa comes from small family-run farms in West Africa.
Perhaps the most sensitive issue is the future of family-run farms.
If Europe wants to retain its family-run farms, it will have to take measures that conflict with the principles of free trade.
This also reveals how important active farming enterprises and family-run farms engaged in production are to rural areas.
Indeed, we all agree with the family-run farms, food safety, environmental protection and sustainable development.
This is where we find the family-run farms. The rich minority who happen to farm a large area make up a tiny group.
Reductions are necessary in order to allow the situation to become reasonably fair for family-run farms.
You can visit this family-run farm at harvest time to learn more about flower cultivation.