The Society has attempted, somewhat successfully, to become a more family-friendly environment since its founding.
Shapiro began to change the parks to give them a more family-friendly environment.
There is a need, she said, to provide a family-friendly environment.
But the strip's humor did not sit well with the site's producers, who wanted a family-friendly environment.
Settling in suburbs, single people find ways of surviving a family-friendly environment.
The last goal of this festival is for it to be a relaxed, family-friendly environment.
Nuke-con actively promotes a family-friendly environment with age-appropriate games and activities for younger children.
If the job is a "family-friendly" environment, the needs of a parent may be met easier.
And there's no question that minor league baseball offers a family-friendly environment.
In this respect, companies are called on to help to ensure a family-friendly working environment.