This was as much a family trauma as a partisan fight.
Along the way, they share adventures, relive family traumas and generally take leave of the ordinary.
Sometimes, however, it is not major world events or family traumas that cause stress in children.
The premise of a scene can range from a first date or family trauma to the car not starting.
When the twins entered foster care at 10, they were possibly already the walking wounded of earlier family traumas.
It's as much a study of family trauma and social rejection as it is a police thriller.
For their mother, the simultaneous loss of her two youngest sons was an unfathomable family trauma.
But the latest family trauma is pulling at Stringer's heart.
Even before he was packed off to boarding school at 13, Spufford understood that books allowed him to "turn away" from this continuing family trauma.
If anyone were to help soothe such a family trauma, it would have been Carol.