Although there is no clear evidence, Mr. Zhao's sons are widely believed to have made large sums by abusing their family positions.
But he is also an iconoclast, caring little about the established order, which seems out of step with his family position.
Her aim is bring up her family position and marry off all her sisters which include a dumb girl.
But Parvati accepts the proposal on the grounds that her family position will improve if she marries him.
"If you've come to repeat the family position, I've already had a bellyful of it."
It was since documented the family position and wealth continued into the 14th/15th century.
He's had it drilled into him that his family name and his family position are the two main things in life.
While not flaunting his wealth and family position, he seemed quite content to be swaddled in their warmth, classmates remember.
She bowed, and carefully chose an applicable honorific which recognized his family position as well as his Guards rank.
While his family position was always vulnerable, he did have several advantages.