Berton began his brief legal career in a province where his family and a close circle of friends dominated the profession.
For most adult men, work and family dominate adult lives.
Although powerful gentry families dominated this rural society, special privilege was not in itself a source of resentment among white colonists.
These families dominated trade, legal and community affairs and of course dominated land ownership.
Early starts and a young family dominate my time, but I can usually find a break during lunch to pound the streets.
It attests that he was a great landowner, whose family dominated the region and exercised a lot of power.
If that happens, the family will retain ownership of its shares and dominate both entities.
Perhaps these early "crossovers" didn't carry enough passengers; in a time when baby-boomer families dominated the market, three across was the best they could offer.
That family dominates FT&T and they have no right to do so.
In some categories, one family of operating systems dominates.