He was put up in an apartment here, and after the family departed, the Gangas' appliances were handed out.
They all laughed, and soon the family departed, heading for an evening home before the trials of the workday began again the following day.
Isabel and her family departed to Spain on a trip.
A few minutes later, the family said a quiet adieu and departed.
The family departed the house that day and did not return.
They exchanged smiles and she watched as her little family departed.
In addition to the dumped bodies being found every day, more Sunni families are departing.
However, the car which came almost noiselessly down the drive was not the one in which the family had departed.
The proximity and commanding view of the river kept this neighborhood fashionable long after the original families had departed.
Now, alas, the family is mostly the dear departed, but I keep going back for pleasure.