The pension is often the most valuable family asset after the house and you should certainly get your share of his.
Nothing personal, just the need to keep the family assets from evaporating in a crisis.
After his father's death, all the family assets went to the first wife's sons, Mansour told me.
Later his family assets were confiscated and he was poisoned to death on 21 April 1799.
Women are more often at a disadvantage because, typically, they don't control the family assets.
We have plenty of time to bring you up to speed with the management of the family assets and the Mountain.
He knows more than anyone about the family assets, and he's totally in the gang's power.
"I did very well then, but it was with family assets, which was not a lot of money."
Others might prefer to help the parent and avoid shrinking a family asset.
I'd like to get some idea of the family assets.