A group of small boys behind one of the goals attempted to dispel their own personal depression by waving blue scarves and chanting familiar slogans.
The rest of the time they devoted to rehearsing familiar slogans and dissecting the arcana of New Jersey election science.
The station initially reused its old and familiar slogan, "The Rhythm Of The City".
And what about the familiar slogan "Thank you, PaineWebber"?
In this use, it is closely analogous to one of the most familiar slogans of the American war for Independence, 'No taxation without representation'.
Among the brand's familiar slogans were "Tastes great, less filling" and "Can your beer do this?"
Consequently, the heightened expectations of the young are going to clash with reality, and then we shall hear the familiar slogan: "Islam is the solution."
Palestinian and Israeli funerals are so similar: each people stands over its coffins, drawing out the old familiar slogans like pistols from a holster.
He tugged at the T-shirt he wore, bearing the familiar slogan about Gaza today and more to come tomorrow.
Technological progress is an all-too familiar slogan.