Should this event take place in a strange city, away from the familiar signposts of home, the confusion can border on terror.
To anyone familiar with the Conran look, there are familiar signposts.
Heard a sharp intake of breath, a suppressed sob, the sound of a lost child finding a familiar signpost.
But the play itself has too many familiar signposts - mother issues, "The Boys in the Band" - not to feel a bit shopworn.
We are starting to see familiar signposts.
He also found that some of the familiar signposts were down.
Beyond these vaguest of familiar signposts, we are forced to enter a truly lost world (figure 3.34).
One by one, the band demolishes all the familiar signposts of a song.
Often the furore stemmed from audiences' unease at being plugged into a musical idiom shorn of familiar signposts.
To read Garreau's dazzling, disorderly book is to be thrust into a bewildering new world, where ambiguity rules and familiar signposts are few.