The familiar personae of Ibsen's drama are turned into nasty but undeniably interesting new creatures.
Brooks studs his familiar, sad-sack persona with hard shards of ruthlessness and opportunism.
The fact is that, shorn of his familiar persona, Mr. Clay is not very funny.
Suzanne takes on her familiar persona of Alouzon.
Dearing continued in his familiar persona until the early 1950s, when he appeared in many film and television westerns, usually as a sheriff.
Given Mr. Bush's familiar public persona, his statement carries the message that "it's our country and that's what we speak."
There's a thrill of satisfaction in seeing a familiar persona so resourcefully reinvented.
Being comfortable with the familiar persona you see in the mirror is not the same as having an appearance that helps you reach your goals.
Though this petite, even-featured blonde would seem to have a set and familiar persona, it's amazing how she keeps metamorphosing before your eyes and ears.
She soon grew into her familiar persona of a bossy, crabby, manipulative and selfish girl.