It is estimated that 120 shops operate at any given time, completing contracts ordered by large manufacturers with familiar labels.
At 9 tonight, "Unholy Matrimony" opens with the familiar label "based on a true story."
A familiar label in the United States, it is sold in 80 countries around the world - over a million cases annually.
Now learn their story- how they originated in the 19th century, how they've changed, and we'll even tell you how old that familiar label is.
One with Peter's familiar label was beside it.
The $8.1 million Campbell's contract is for 24 million soup cans with the familiar red-and-white labels.
Nothing much in there but a dusty liquor bottle with a familiar black label.
Waiters are fairly knowledgeable about the less familiar labels, which is rare today.
The word dyslexia became a familiar label even though it did not in itself provide miraculous remedies for learning difficulties.