His familiar cast of New York people and places are once more tenderly caricatured, but with renewed vitality and economy (Smith).
Haring's familiar cast of characters - the barking dogs, crawling babies and manic little men - are on hand, as is his exuberant decorative sensibility.
Often she would awake certain that one of the spheres-the closest to her-had about its terrain a disturbingly familiar cast.
He intends to engage them by creating a familiar cast of characters.
The West Village apartment he shares with his wife, Solange Fabião, an artist, has a familiar supporting cast.
There were hollows in her cheeks, and her skin had the familiar unhealthy yellow cast.
Stepping closer, she recognized the familiar cast of the woman's features.
Their real purpose is to give Mortimer an excuse to bring back Rumpole and his familiar cast of "old darlings."
In fact, it's just an excuse for a liberating adventure, and a chance for Ms. Vernoux to show off the talents of her fine, familiar cast.
The Society's familiar cast of characters will be there to play.