Each week the series will present two half-hour stories starring vaguely familiar actors.
Mr. Rocco, whose casting sense is notably good, has also used a number of other familiar actors in unexpected ways.
In a prime-time schedule that includes more than 20 new series, a familiar actor, character, or a tried and true formula can be an advantage.
Although the Alien movies are set 150 years in the future, Anderson wanted to keep continuity with the series by including a familiar actor.
These familiar actors have explored these poles before; you can make out echoes of other performances here.
Scenes with him and other less familiar actors worked well but when he finally met Ricky and Stephen it fell apart.
During the series' five-season run, many actors familiar to viewers, or who later became famous for their subsequent works, made appearances on the series.
The Ventolas' friends are played by familiar and competent actors, but the characters are unmemorable.
Some of the more familiar actors who appeared during the program's run:
At the opposite end of the hair cycle, the stage of follicular death, other familiar actors in the body may come into play.